Insects can be a “foci for understanding how humans inhabit specific spaces and moments in history.” (Biesel et el. 2013)
This series of ongoing work is a multispecies enquiry into the intersections of the lives of humans and the lives of insects. The existence of these creatures who are so vital for all ecosystems is threatened and altered by habitat destruction, chemical agriculture and climate change. Many of these diverse creatures face declining populations and extinction while it is clear that vast numbers of species have already been lost in recent decades reflecting a system out of balance. In some parts of the world changing climate has caused some insect populations to explode bringing plagues of insects that threaten food production and ecosystems. Throughout history, insects have entered into myths, religious texts and cosmologies. They appear as harbingers, teachers bringing messages to the human world. This work titled walking with insects adopts a multispecies approach to listening to the lives of insects. It engages with human-insect interactions in stories and myths, on farms, in laboratories, archives, museums, and other spaces. it hopes to in collaboration with other artists through drawing, animation, installation, sound recordings, and dance to step a little closer to the experiences of insects.